We offer various in vitro tests with fish cells to investigate Fish Feed & Health. For covering a broad range of effects, we are using different rainbow trout cell lines, such as from intestine (RTgutGC), skin (RTHDF), liver (RTL-W1) and gill (RTgill-W1).
Stephan Fischer
Division Head Fish Feed & Health
Phone: +41 (0)71 571 09 72
aQuaTox-Solutions set out to revolutionize how fish health and nutritional products can be assessed and improved without using live fish.
The RTgutGC cell line – Ideal alternative model to animal testing in aquaculture
The fish intestine comprises an important environment-organism interface that is essential for nutrient uptake, growth, health and pathogen defense. Using the RTgutGC cell line as 3D culture in a two compartment system, we can assess effects of various variables on the fish intestine.